Our Mission

Empowering hearts through cutting-edge technology, FlexiHeart is dedicated to revolutionizing cardiac care. Our mission is to seamlessly integrate digital healthcare with artificial intelligence, providing personalized and predictive solutions

Our Vision

FlexiHeart envisions a future where every heartbeat is understood and optimized for lasting health. We aspire to be the global leader in AI-driven cardiac care, setting new standards for precision, accessibility, and patient-centricity.


We specialize in crafting AI solutions that seamlessly integrate with your existing technology’s structure. Our commitment lies in continuously providing advanced technology to enhance and improve innovation and efficiency in cardiac healthcare.

Experience the difference before and after enhancement. In the video on the left, observe the original footage, and on the right, see the remarkable improvement after enhancement. Our cutting-edge technology ensures unparalleled clarity and precision.

Explore our innovative solution for predicting Ejection Fraction (EF) directly from echocardiogram imaging. By leveraging advanced AI technologies, we provide accurate and efficient EF predictions, facilitating effective management of cardiac efficiency.

Experience the future of cardiac care with our innovative app, integrating AI for personalized preventive and post-cardiac solutions. Seamlessly manage heart health with tailored exercise routines, dietary recommendations, medication reminders, and expert support.

Transform preventive medicine initiatives across Saudi Arabia with our cutting-edge data collection app. Harness the power of technology to streamline data gathering and drive impactful health interventions. Join us in shaping a healthier future for the kingdom through innovative solutions


Our AI solutions seamlessly integrate with your technology infrastructure, evolving alongside advancements in healthcare. We deliver cutting-edge technology that optimizes operations, ensuring unparalleled efficiency and innovation.

Explore our ongoing projects.

Elderly home screening for Aortic Stenosis and Coronary heart disease (CHD)

Empowering healthcare accessibility, our project in Saudi Arabia conducts home visits for elderly individuals, utilizing innovative screening methods to detect Aortic Stenosis early, ensuring proactive care and support

Subclinical cardiovascular disease (SCVD)risk calculator for Saudi population.

Developing an ASCVD risk calculator tailored for Saudi Arabia entails gathering a representative sample size spanning the entire kingdom. This comprehensive dataset will enable accurate risk assessment and management strategies over a decade-long follow-up period, facilitating targeted interventions for cardiovascular health in the region.

Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) system implementation and execution.

Our third project revolves around leveraging PROMs and PREMs to gather crucial insights into healthcare quality and patient perspectives, enhancing patient-centered care and achieving health system goals effectively. PROMs assess health status, PREMs evaluate patient experiences, together providing comprehensive data for informed decision-making and improved interventions.

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